Education, Technology, History, Philosophy, Religion, Politics, Traveling, Popular topics, Music & Poems
Friday, 27 September 2024
Qualities of a good friend
1. Will not harm you for their own cause
2. Will help you grow3. Will save you when you are in danger
4. Will support you when you are in distress
5. Will take you to the places he/she likes
6. Will make fun of you
7. Help you in studies and career
8. Will respect your family
9. Will keep distance when you need space
10. Will introduce you with new friends they got
# Making friends is a choice. You can undo what you did wrongly!
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Bad Bangladeshi Detector
1. They want and use everything free (don't let them, charge more)
2. They want to be you (So, be happy thinking that you are superior)
3. They steal, literally they do (make antitheft police stronger)
4. They lies (make a lie detector and include it in their devices and watches)
5. They hides from truth (use GPS in all the devices to accurately measure like google map)
6. They lies about their family (so, find their family tree from their documents and social media accounts)
7. They may use lethal weapons (use GPS in the guns and make it digital where disabling GPS will destroy the device)
8. They use fake docs (use scannable chips in the docs to find them uniquely and track them through GPS)
9. They use AI to write articles and demands royalty (use AI marks to identify their writings)
10. They copy other's writings (use plagiarism detector by implementing time machine in AI)
11. They torture women (use body and room camera which can detect invisible creatures)
12. They hack sites and online accounts (use anti hacking mechanism built in the AI to protect users privacy and security and record their screen simultaneously and detect the activity pattern using AI)
#Peace! đ
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The age of anarchy
3. Devices will be hacked
4. You will talk to your spouse thinking your illegal boyfriend
5. You will talk to police thinking them as your crime partners
6. Your message will be sent from the other people's account as they are handicraft
7. People will pour money for less money
8. People will run after uncle Sam instead of Madona
9. People will kill to gain popularity in jail
1. Use X-ray glasses with DNA scanner
2. Use external backup memory for brains
3. Use internet with alternative channels for communication
4. Don't talk cheap with your husband thinking as your cheap boyfriend
5. Don't talk crime in your house when you got full privacy in dreams
6. Send messages in hieroglyphics when they are eve teasing on the chat
7. Don't pour money, pour hard work
8. Run after someone important not impotant (Don't be clever)
9. Don't kill, file cases
#Good luck! đ
Thursday, 26 September 2024
The Wadiyans again
The king wanted an explanation. The referee said, "We can control the minds of all but the odd one. So, we decided to reject him." The king asked, "Then who do you choose?" The referee said, "We have choosen every other candidate." The king asked, "Why?" The referee said, "Because no other candidate was eligible to be rejected."
The next few months king chose one after another chosen candidate for the position of the crown and everyone behaved miserably. The king called upon a mystic to find the reason behind. The mystic said, "They were controlled by the foreign soldiers."
Then the wise king (became wise later) called the referee and ordered him to call the odd one as on one will be able to control it and it is important!
The fake judgement day
One of the girls texted him again and again and he used to block her. Because he didn't want to waste his time on unnecessary things. The girl was quite interested. She opened new accounts after every block and texted him why he was not accepting his request.
Then comes the university life. The books were huge and covering up the whole book was time-consuming but he used to get messages from unknowns or friends of friends and got bored over phone calls from some. So, he switched off his phone and wasted his time on other unimportant things!
In the day of fake judgment he was accused of having affairs with multiple girls and at the same time accused of avoiding multiple girls (yes it's a crime in this new era of fake judgment days).
He was happily married but uncle Sam and his team were not happy about it. And thus the day of fake judgment began! The rest is a story of continuous torture, a learning phase for him, biology practical classes for his wife, and girls who liked him!
Now he is a rebel and a feminist who favors the happiness of their husbands!
The right person for you
#Peace! đ
The test
Then God examined everyone to know the truth about the incident. Everyone was behind his immediate family. One by one they were tested. Whoever is loyal to him was killed. And whoever betrayed him was given the gifts from Satan. And they became bad guys.
The man became confused. He asked God what was the problem. God replied, "I want to make sure everyone knows the truth because I already know it."
Then he asked how long it would take to make everyone surrender. God replied, "It will take as much time as everyone wants."
Then what will happen to the virtuous one? Asked the man. Then God said that you will be given what people know about your choice. Then the man replied, "I already wrote a blog about it. Ask your children to read my blog!"
Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Present in the future
Hearing all these the husband of the girl said, "Every moment is present, the past is forgotten and there is nothing called future!" Hearing all these a philosopher died then and there and police arrested everyone. The wedding went in vain and no one was in the present anymore!
#Peace đ
Unpopular criminal
And they will know who were victorious and who were loosers. Loosers are those who try to loose by ruining their reputation. It's not the police or journalist who make you unpopular. It's the criminal itself!
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The communication gap
1. You will message one but it will reach to other
2. You will call one but it will reach other and vice versa
3. You will message one and it will be automatically deleted
4. You will not message one but a message will appear to other's inbox and you will not know about it.
5. Your friends account will be used by others (multiple users)
6. Your husband's colleague will run after you (money that you will get after your husband dies [so, he will love your money and think what will happen to you when the money will be his. He will find another wife with money from her husband)
7. You and your spouse will get messages from a woman and a man who are couple themselves. They will love you both and they love each other too!
8. All of your friends will tell you lies about your spouse if you really like him/her.
9. You will believe most of the lies and least of the truth
10. Your parents will want your money (like a farmer sells the cow's milk)
11. Big companies will hire criminals (not philosophers cum lawyers)
1. First and foremost duty is to complain (You will not get the solutions all the time. So, complaining is better when you know the right authorities)
2. You have to be vocal about it
3. You need to contact the person you want to reach in all the other ways possible
4. You need to find a morally ethical person who is at the same time intelligent
5. Make a team of good people (with good heart)
6. Always respect the good in people and avoid the bad in the same
7. To develop fake account detector and strike them with badges
8. You can develop lie detection techniques and also find people with jealousy, lust and hunger for money (more than optimum level) and avoid them
9. Know thyself to know the problems with your beliefs
10. Find the wrongs in your parents too
11. You get hired by the big companies, reach to the top and expel the criminals and hire good people
#Peace đ
Tuesday, 24 September 2024
True story 17
People thought that the girl would be the next queen but it was the prince's wife who was going to be the queen. All other girls started to run after the prince to make him think that the girl got issues and he should leave her.
But the boys are more stupid than the girls as they run after the girl to make her believe they were the real prince. They didn't know that bringing up some flowers, chocolates and gifts would not make him a king. It will only make him the girl's husband.
Seeing the stupidity of the girl, the prince one day decided to divorce the girl and got married again. The drama ended that way!
The dirty politics
His moto was, "Make him crazy and he will not be able to speak the truth!" So, he went to every country possible and told them we want to research on him and give us money. With that money they didn't help him but destroyed (sorry continuously is destroying) his life!
Now if companies want to hire hackers don't force them to hack around rather prepare dummy websites for them and train them. And don't hire independent hackers because they are already stealing and they may steal from your company too! But if your company or Government is stealing then they are not the thief you suppose!
The angry man who is not angry 99% of the time
The wife rushed to his husband and said, "Are you gay?" The husband replied, "Why are you asking this?" Wife then came up with the phone. The husband told her to listen it carefully. She played it again. The voice said, "Fuck her".
Now the wife said, "So, you are fucking a whore!" The husband said, "Listen to the whole Convo!" The wife said, "I am Zen Z. I don't have time. Ok, I am listening!" The voice said, "Fuck her man". The wife got furious. "So, you are a gay indeed. I knew it and I already said it."
The husband said, "Please, listen again." This time the voice said, "Fuck her man if he is fucking her life." Then the wife said, "I knew it. You are a gay!" The husband got angry. He said, "Go to fucking America. Marry a Nigga. Then come back and ask me again."
The wife flew to America and married a Nigga and came back to her husband. The husband asked, "Why you came back to me?" The wife said, "I did it." "Did what?" "I married a Nigga and came back from America."
"Why you came back?"- the husband asked. "Because I love you." The husband got furious again and said, "So, you love a gay!" The wife said, "I love you and you only." The husband said, "Your friend Nita loves me too!" The wife went to kill Nita and came back.
"You again!" "Yes, I killed Nita and now you got only one lover." Husband said, "My sister's name is Nita." "What! I killed your sister?!"
Husband said, "There are a million Nitas out there!" The wife said, "I will kill them all." "I mean they are all my sisters!" The wife said, "Ok, forget everything and love me." The husband said, "I don't love other people's wives!" The wife said, "I thought you gave me a curse to marry a Nigga." The husband said, "I was just furious and people say anything and everything when they get angry."
The wife then said, "I wanna marry you again." "Why?" "Because, I have a friend left who loves you too. But she is like you and doesn't love other women's hubbies."
Moral of the story:
Don't marry an angry man while he is not angry and you are dumb!
Monday, 23 September 2024
Look at uncle Sam!
Sunday, 22 September 2024
In the love of God in Heaven
God then made them humanoid robots and told them to have sex as much as possible. The rest is history. The village became a complete mess. Men were after women, women were after peace, peace was after money, money was after the banks and banks were after heaven.
The villagers came to a saturation point. All the men started to like what the best man liked and all the women liked the best men. So, it became complicated. They started to question the God what our problem is! Why you made me inferior to the best men.
Then God made a copy of the woman the best man desired and made the best man single. Everyone became happy that way. But there was a catch, all the women felt terrible because they didn't get their best man. So, God decided to make each copy of the woman the best man liked, the wife of the best man for one month. Now the women were happy for a month each but not entirely.
The men who married the best men's liking also were in distress because they were not happy to see their wives (begoted from jealousy) with the man they always admired! Technically they forced God to make the women (clones) their wives.
Now the problem was the women who were not the best man's liking were in distress because no one liked them now. So, they all wanted the memories and face of the liking (woman the best man likes). So, God made them that way.
One day the best man found out his wife was with 300 men simultaneously. So, he wanted to reject her. Hearing this all the men started to hate the liked one and was looking for a better version. And they were after the best man's new choice. After a while, they found out the best man liked everyone and all.
The men then wanted to marry every woman out there one by one for one month. God approved their wish. Then men started to get married and it continued for a while.
One day a man realized that he wanted his first wife most. He then remarried his first wife. Then when she was talking about his other wives, he thought his third wife was better. Then his third wife got pregnant and her new husband was angry about it. Then the village became a living hell again.
Then everyone started to pray to the God and asked what we wanted and what was best for them! The God replied that you want all the women out there and to live with each for eternity! Then everyone became happy and said, "That's a good solution". Then the men paused for a while and asked the God, "What is eternity? How could we live with all for eternity with each one of them?! It's practically impossible!
Then the God said, it's the thing what you wanted! Then all the people asked to explain it further. The God then said, you actually want a woman who you got from me in heaven and forgot about the rest of the pack. If you don't know another woman to compare with your partner then you are happy with the one you got whatever she is!
Then everyone burst out in the joy of laughter and said, "Eureka, eureka! We found out the true God!" The God then said, "God is always true!" And each of you will now live with a woman you got and never look for another woman again because in your world there will be none other than you got and you both will forget the memories of everything other than what you got, period!
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Saturday, 21 September 2024
The lost child
The shoes your son wore may be in his hands or in the hands of the thieves!
Free up the birds
True story 15
The next day the whole village came to the boy and asked him what he was doing. The boy replied I was just thinking. The villagers were in shock! Why are you thinking? He nodded that people just think. It's a human nature. Then they asked what is thinking. The kid replied, read a book and read it again without it. That's called thinking!
The happy women
The prince was not happy about that. So, he wanted to test the girl of his desire. He called the God and he made a plan.
The God asked the girl I will give you whatever you want. Then the girl replied, I want a handsome boy. Then God brought a handsome boy to her. Then she stayed with her for 1 year and called the God I don't want a handsome boy, l like rich guys.
Then God brought a rich guy. The girl stayed with the rich guy for 1 year and called the God again. This time the girl wanted a servant boy rather than a rich guy. So, God brought her a robot.
The girl stayed with the robot for 1 year and when she told him a goat on wrath, the servant turned into a goat in reality which smelled bad. Then the girl called the God again and asked her to take away this donkey and bring her a musician.
Then God brought a musician for her. The musician was so obsessed with music that he had very little time to talk with her. Whenever she asked something the musician replied in songs.
The girl got tired of it. She called the God again and this time she wanted a scientist who could research on her wishes. Then God brought a scientist to her and she got a research paper on the first night. You know what the scientist invented the time machine long before she was born!
Now the girl called the God and wanted the time machine and God brought her that. The girl then went back to the beginning of time and never came back.
Seeing this the next girl wanted a man who thinks like her, smells like her, kills like her, fucks like her, loves like her, looks like her, kisses like her, and speaks like her. Then God brought a girl and the girl became a lesbian.
The next girl didn't want to be lesbian. So, she called the God to bring someone who is her opposite. Then God brought her a man who was totally opposite of her. When the girl turned left the man turned right. When the girl started educating herself the men started to loose his memory. The girl was bored and angry. She called the God and wanted her money back. The God replied, I am not a banker!
The next girl wanted to live alone in nature where there is no human. The God gave her that. The girl was happy but wanted to have a partner to talk to. Then God gave everything the power of talking. The girl was frightened by the mysterious noises made by everything because none of them was her type.
Friday, 20 September 2024
The adulterated gold
Then people started to develop their tools and found out the gold measuring (testing) devices. One day people found out all of their gold was fake.
They went to the king and asked him what to do about it. The king replied please be Archimedes!
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But the boys who disturb women with little clothes are not guilt-free. If you wanna control your desires then even a naked woman can not make you fall into a trap, period!
True story 12
Thus they started to live in hell full of life partners and when God asked a girl who did you choose to stay for life, she said that I want to live with the first partner. Then God asked why you did choose the number one. The girl replied that she forgot about the first one!
Then God laught at her and asked then choose another one. She then thought for a while and replied that she wanted to stay with the 2nd one again. Then God became curious and asked the same question. The girl replied the same (she forgot about the 2nd one too).
Then God said that ok, start the cycle again! The girl then repeated the cycle for 1900 times and came to God to ask who should I choose. The God replied you should choose not to play the game!
Another girl told God that my husband married 70 women one after another. And I married 70 men the same way. Now everyone likes of pretending to like my husband and every man pretending to be my real husband. What should I do?
"Please write a beautiful article about your first wife/husband, your favorite wife/husband, first best friend, favorite best friend, first crush, favorite crush, first girlfriend/boyfriend, favorite girlfriend/boyfriend, top 15 enemies (minor/major), social account links, hacked account list etc. mentioning their names and tagging them if possible with pictures.
Whoever writes most beautifully will get a huge fortune! And the fortune is another world with the persons they liked and wanted, except their enemies!
Thursday, 19 September 2024
The unsang song
The peace was meant to be stolen
So, they stole the peace from us.
The thunders are lost in the clouds
And the clouds are lost in the winter
The memory of the past is hanging on the ceiling
And they forgot the legends responsible.
The legends of the future was once the hero
The victims of the present are stuck in the past
The moon was brighter on some moonlight night
The whisper of the night owls are still missing
People are now waiting for God's wrath
To destroy everything that can be seen
The earth will be shattered into pieces of sands
And it will be lost in the sands of time.
The music was stolen from the heaven
It will be there in the hell too with altered frequency
The God will create the heaven again
From the ashes of the earth we left.
Uncle Sam again
So, uncle Sam reached a beggar in a suit and told him to fund him for cruelty. The beggar was begging from every door open, with a pistol in one hand and money in the other. He didn't know he and his father were mere servants.
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Your naked wish
The water is now fire
To fulfill your desire.
Like a cloud in the heaven
The mysteries of the universe are unfolding
But you are still confused.
Because you think you know everything
Everything you wanted is in front of you now
But the thing you wanted the most has vanished,
Vanished like a cunning witch
Which you thought might save you.
The reasons are answers now and
The answers are your reasons
You are still in the dark
To save you from yourself only!
(To be continued..)
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Child Care and Responsibility
2. If you get a child without marrying then the responsibility should lie upon the mother if she didn't make any treaty because without marriage the child's future is in danger and the mother is the one who loves the cub most.
3. If you take a child by surrogation then there must be a written deed for the development and education of the child.
4. If you take a child with someone else's sperm without informing the donor then the responsibility lies upon the person who did the planning.
The God's Creation
But in case of humans, you need to take permission before you do anything to it. And in case of the weak you need to be more gentle and kind!
The Wadiyan Story
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Things to look at in your future wife
Qualities to look at
5. Flexible and Logical
6. Curious
7. Loves animals, not pets
8. Respects good people
9. Can recognize bad people
10. Can work for herself
11. Believes in improvement
12. Loves conditionally not blindly
13. Have respect for herself and her values
14. Eager to accept better opinions if presented
15. Accept mistakes and learn from them
16. Prefers to stay with one good person for lifetime
17. Have little affinity for materialistic world (but not entirely a monk)
Qualities of her parents:
1. Respects her and good people
2. Have a growth mindset
3. Understanding
4. Caring for her
5. Can recognize intentions and would help her in need
6. Wise
7. Honest with her
# I wrote it for myself and anyone who thinks like me. And don't be ridiculous to start to prepare yourself for the right one. The right one will make you grow if you don't know how to. Just you have to believe in him. Good luck! đ
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The Thieves and the Prodigy
There was a boy name Odyirh. He was a mere human to some but a prodigy to others. Those who thought he is a mere human were told that he is crazy. But the people who believed him as a prodigy respected him but some of them wanted to steal everything from him because they wanted to be him.
Now what they did? They stole his face, his social media accounts, his parent's identity, his wife's identity, properties he got, his clothes, his shoes, his watches, his books, his poems, his writings, his life, and his sufferings!
Moral of the story:
Stealing is itself a suffering and a curse too. You will not get rid of it ever!
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Monday, 16 September 2024
The wind of love
(Hridoy Akanda)
Waiting for the thunder to disrupt everything
The castle of glass is blotted with insects from the past
The desert has flooded with pain.
The future is in the past
And the past is in the future
I have lost in you and
You are still here!
The prophets were once humans
And love was once blind
But I have torches in my hand
Which can work as the lightsaber for you
When the night is still dark.
I still remember your kisses
Holding hands was once a complex number.
I am who I am but you are just lost in the symbols!
The symbols do not make the world
It's the world which makes symbols and
My colors will someday find your path
And I will be there for you.
True Story Revelation
There was a family in a small town and a devil in disguise was also there. The boy who lived with his family tried to study science which the devil didn't like because in science there is magic and the devil was afraid of magic. The devil had a family too. The devil spread rumors about the boy and convinced his parents to help him ruin the boy. His parents were afraid to loose him. The devil told them if you don't kill your son we will do it. As the parents didn't want to kill their son, so the agreed and killed their only son! The son got angry after they killed him. So, he wanted to make them intelligent enough not to harm their son again.
Now the investigation began. When someone wanted to talk to the son everybody said where is Harry and where is Harry in front of the door bell of the family cottage. When people found out that his father was a victim and his uncle was to blame his uncle changed his name and told everyone he is the father and the father is the uncle. And when they wanted to take revenge upon the uncles wife the aunt said that she was the mother and the mother was the aunt. Thus, the victim was his family and family only, again and again and again.
The moral of the story is:
Don't have a family if you know a devil!
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Monday, 24 June 2024
Some thoughts on life:
1. Wisdom > Bravery
2. Great bravery * Less wisdom < Medium bravery * Less wisdom < Less bravery * less wisdom < Less bravery * medium wisdom < Medium bravery * medium wisdom < Less bravery * Great wisdom < Medium bravery * medium wisdom < Great bravery * Great wisdom
I have a better understanding now about the companionship:
foolish friend < intelligent enemy < foolish enemy < intelligent friend
(Remember that friendship is more important than blood relations and the person who wants to harm you is not your friend. A fixed-selected group of people who are intelligent, well-trained, and have sanity and goodwill will have the right to harm people only when they are found truly guilty).
And don't be fooled by the entertainment industry. They are just here to entertain you! Don't take them seriously and try to understand sarcasm and irony too. Then you will be on the way to being a complete person!
World peace:
Don't be fooled by colors, signs, or anything materialistic because everything has more than one meaning with both positives and negatives! Don't even depend on words as they may have different meanings for different people. But go through the whole conversation and understand the gist.
Believe in the willpower to do good for humanity and for everyone and you will get peace! Solve people's problems with good intentions and consult with the person you want to help because only the person knows how to help him/her and the person who is intelligent and truly, selflessly loves him/her when you are speaking the truth and he also wants peace not for just himself but for the whole world!
CCTV camera:
We should build CCTV cameras with built in night vision and memory (multiple personality in particular) detector which will capture the image of the electromagnetic condition inside the brain and true state of the skin which will reveal the true face and shape of a person! The Faraday's Cage will be transparent to the camera!
If the energy of the universe is constant and it is indestructible we know energy can be converted into matter! And if this energy is alive and can be converted into another form and a matter all of its own then is it called God?
Personal Freedom:
I guess every parent should leave their children Independent after the age of 18. Because everyone should learn to take care of himself/herself. If he lacks money he can borrow it from a bank by student loan and he will repay it after he gets a job.
Parents should not interfere in children's lives like leaches! Even if he/she gets sick he/she should be able to go to a hospital or if he feels well he should provide for himself/herself. That's way a kid will transition from a teenager to a grown-up.
Everyone should taste his life on his/her own. He/she should make the decision of his/her marriage. He/she should do whatever he likes not violating the constitution of the country, or the laws not harming others or controlling others without their will or by misinformation and lies!
# Leave your children free if he/she is a grown-up and handle their finances on their own! Don't expect your kids to provide for you. That's your job!
# If you don't leave him/her you are actually ruining his/her life and you are keeping him/her as a kid and you are a hindrance in his/her growth!
Sunday, 23 June 2024
Personal Freedom:
Parents should not interfere in children's lives like leaches! Even if he/she gets sick he/she should be able to go to a hospital or if he feels well he should provide for himself/herself. That's way a kid will transition from a teenager to a grown-up. Everyone should taste his life on his/her own. He/she should make the decision of his/her marriage. He/she should do whatever he likes not violating the constitution of the country.
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Property ownership and management:
Measures can be taken:
1. All records should be stored digitally
2. The value of the land should be channeled through one of the Government selected banks.
3. The biometric data of both the parties should be taken.
4. To avoid manipulation of the server we can implement raid system.
5. Every child when born should be named and given a certification of birth confirming the parent's citizenship and DNA samples. Which will be uploaded to a government server. Some of these data should be accessible for the mass people to avoid fraudulence.
6. The owner should be given a license where all of his records will be saved. And by using this one card he must be able to pay, prove identity, prove marital and parental relationship, and much more.
7. The whole country should be taken under a digital map where all the information of the land owners will be available. So, that there remain no dispute.
8. If one loses his/her card then on complaining she/he should be given a replacement after verifying with biometrics.
9. There should not be any middleman or registry office. The AI will do all the verification (based on the online track history of both the parties) on behalf of both the parties.
10. After a transaction closes the new owner will be added to the digital map created earlier.
11. When buying a new land people need not to run after lawyers and deed writers. They will just login to the government database and find out the true owner.
12. Inheritance should be given to every descendants automatically and the properties they got will be registered automatically in the central server. This will be done when the original owner dies and his card will be disabled rightaway.
13. Every clinic or hospital should keep a separate department to process the birth certificates and death certificates after verifying by DNA samples.
14. If one forcefully captures any other persons land the government will take necessary measures to return the land to the original owner after verifying from the server.
15. The record will not remain safe by only storing it in government server. A distributed database should also be in place considering the safety of the data.
16. An international database should also be there which will keep record of all the owners of the properties which will be helpful for international trades and purchases.
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I think it is feasible, and the life of the citizens will be changed forever and for the better!
Find me on: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, SoundCloud, X.COM
Friday, 21 June 2024
The Pursuit of Happyness:
![]() |
Source: |
Find me on: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, SoundCloud, X.COM
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
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(to be continued..)