
Sunday, 22 September 2024

In the love of God in Heaven

In a village, people were backdated and wanted to make them advanced and modern. So, they called their God and expressed their demand. The God asked what they wanted. They replied that we want pleasure and immortality.

God then made them humanoid robots and told them to have sex as much as possible. The rest is history. The village became a complete mess. Men were after women, women were after peace, peace was after money, money was after the banks and banks were after heaven.

The villagers came to a saturation point. All the men started to like what the best man liked and all the women liked the best men. So, it became complicated. They started to question the God what our problem is! Why you made me inferior to the best men.

Then God made a copy of the woman the best man desired and made the best man single. Everyone became happy that way. But there was a catch, all the women felt terrible because they didn't get their best man. So, God decided to make each copy of the woman the best man liked, the wife of the best man for one month. Now the women were happy for a month each but not entirely.

The men who married the best men's liking also were in distress because they were not happy to see their wives (begoted from jealousy) with the man they always admired! Technically they forced God to make the women (clones) their wives.

Now the problem was the women who were not the best man's liking were in distress because no one liked them now. So, they all wanted the memories and face of the liking (woman the best man likes). So, God made them that way.

One day the best man found out his wife was with 300 men simultaneously. So, he wanted to reject her. Hearing this all the men started to hate the liked one and was looking for a better version. And they were after the best man's new choice. After a while, they found out the best man liked everyone and all.

The men then wanted to marry every woman out there one by one for one month. God approved their wish. Then men started to get married and it continued for a while.

One day a man realized that he wanted his first wife most. He then remarried his first wife. Then when she was talking about his other wives, he thought his third wife was better. Then his third wife got pregnant and her new husband was angry about it. Then the village became a living hell again.

Then everyone started to pray to the God and asked what we wanted and what was best for them! The God replied that you want all the women out there and to live with each for eternity! Then everyone became happy and said, "That's a good solution". Then the men paused for a while and asked the God, "What is eternity? How could we live with all for eternity with each one of them?! It's practically impossible!

Then the God said, it's the thing what you wanted! Then all the people asked to explain it further. The God then said, you actually want a woman who you got from me in heaven and forgot about the rest of the pack. If you don't know another woman to compare with your partner then you are happy with the one you got whatever she is!

Then everyone burst out in the joy of laughter and said, "Eureka, eureka! We found out the true God!" The God then said, "God is always true!" And each of you will now live with a woman you got and never look for another woman again because in your world there will be none other than you got and you both will forget the memories of everything other than what you got, period!

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