
Monday, 24 June 2024

Some thoughts on life:

Relation between Bravery and wisdom:
1. Wisdom > Bravery
2. Great bravery * Less wisdom < Medium bravery * Less wisdom < Less bravery * less wisdom < Less bravery * medium wisdom < Medium bravery * medium wisdom < Less bravery * Great wisdom < Medium bravery * medium wisdom < Great bravery * Great wisdom

I have a better understanding now about the companionship:
foolish friend < intelligent enemy < foolish enemy < intelligent friend
(Remember that friendship is more important than blood relations and the person who wants to harm you is not your friend. A fixed-selected group of people who are intelligent, well-trained, and have sanity and goodwill will have the right to harm people only when they are found truly guilty).
And don't be fooled by the entertainment industry. They are just here to entertain you! Don't take them seriously and try to understand sarcasm and irony too. Then you will be on the way to being a complete person!

World peace:
Don't be fooled by colors, signs, or anything materialistic because everything has more than one meaning with both positives and negatives! Don't even depend on words as they may have different meanings for different people. But go through the whole conversation and understand the gist.
Believe in the willpower to do good for humanity and for everyone and you will get peace! Solve people's problems with good intentions and consult with the person you want to help because only the person knows how to help him/her and the person who is intelligent and truly, selflessly loves him/her when you are speaking the truth and he also wants peace not for just himself but for the whole world!

CCTV camera: 
We should build CCTV cameras with built in night vision and memory (multiple personality in particular) detector which will capture the image of the electromagnetic condition inside the brain and true state of the skin which will reveal the true face and shape of a person! The Faraday's Cage will be transparent to the camera! 

Energy and God: 
If the energy of the universe is constant and it is indestructible we know energy can be converted into matter! And if this energy is alive and can be converted into another form and a matter all of its own then is it called God?

Personal Freedom:
I guess every parent should leave their children Independent after the age of 18. Because everyone should learn to take care of himself/herself. If he lacks money he can borrow it from a bank by student loan and he will repay it after he gets a job.

Parents should not interfere in children's lives like leaches! Even if he/she gets sick he/she should be able to go to a hospital or if he feels well he should provide for himself/herself. That's way a kid will transition from a teenager to a grown-up.

Everyone should taste his life on his/her own. He/she should make the decision of his/her marriage. He/she should do whatever he likes not violating the constitution of the country, or the laws not harming others or controlling others without their will or by misinformation and lies!

# Leave your children free if he/she is a grown-up and handle their finances on their own! Don't expect your kids to provide for you. That's your job!

# If you don't leave him/her you are actually ruining his/her life and you are keeping him/her as a kid and you are a hindrance in his/her growth!

Sunday, 23 June 2024

Personal Freedom:

I guess every parent should leave their children Independent after the age of 18. Because everyone should learn to take care of himself/herself. If he lacks money he can borrow it from a bank by student loan and he will repay it after he gets a job.
Parents should not interfere in children's lives like leaches! Even if he/she gets sick he/she should be able to go to a hospital or if he feels well he should provide for himself/herself. That's way a kid will transition from a teenager to a grown-up. Everyone should taste his life on his/her own. He/she should make the decision of his/her marriage. He/she should do whatever he likes not violating the constitution of the country.

# Leave your children free if he/she is a grown-up and handle their finances on their own! Don't expect your kids to provide for you. That's your job!

# If you don't leave him/her you are actually ruining his/her life and you are keeping him/her as a kid and you are a hindrance in his/her growth!

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Property ownership and management:

Buying and selling properties has become a troublesome work for the common people who are not accustomed to the daily activities of a land office and registry office. So, making it digital is the only way people will be relieved from this.

Measures can be taken:

1. All records should be stored digitally

2. The value of the land should be channeled through one of the Government selected banks.

3. The biometric data of both the parties should be taken.

4. To avoid manipulation of the server we can implement raid system.

5. Every child when born should be named and given a certification of birth confirming the parent's citizenship and DNA samples. Which will be uploaded to a government server. Some of these data should be accessible for the mass people to avoid fraudulence.

6. The owner should be given a license where all of his records will be saved. And by using this one card he must be able to pay, prove identity, prove marital and parental relationship, and much more.

7. The whole country should be taken under a digital map where all the information of the land owners will be available. So, that there remain no dispute.

8. If one loses his/her card then on complaining she/he should be given a replacement after verifying with biometrics.

9. There should not be any middleman or registry office. The AI will do all the verification (based on the online track history of both the parties) on behalf of both the parties.

10. After a transaction closes the new owner will be added to the digital map created earlier.

11. When buying a new land people need not to run after lawyers and deed writers. They will just login to the government database and find out the true owner.

12. Inheritance should be given to every descendants automatically and the properties they got will be registered automatically in the central server. This will be done when the original owner dies and his card will be disabled rightaway.

13. Every clinic or hospital should keep a separate department to process the birth certificates and death certificates after verifying by DNA samples.

14. If one forcefully captures any other persons land the government will take necessary measures to return the land to the original owner after verifying from the server.

15. The record will not remain safe by only storing it in government server. A distributed database should also be in place considering the safety of the data.

16. An international database should also be there which will keep record of all the owners of the properties which will be helpful for international trades and purchases.

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নাগরিক সেবায় বিড়ম্বনা:

আমাদের দেশের মানুষ প্রতিনিয়তই সরকারি নানাবিধ সেবা নিতে গিয়ে নানারকম হয়রানির স্বীকার হচ্ছে। আর ম্যাজরিটি ক্ষেত্রে এই হয়রানির কারন হচ্ছে তথ্য ব্যাবস্থাপনা। বানান ভুল, নামে ভুল, ছবি ভুল, নাম্বার ভুল, শুধু ভুল আর ভুল!

আমরা যদি এই ভুলের ভিসিয়াস সাইকেল থেকে মুক্তি পেতে চাই তাহলে কিছু ব্যাবস্থা নিলেই চলবে:

১. প্রত্যেক হাসপাতালে একটি করে শিশু নিবন্ধন সেল থাকবে। তাদের কাজ হবে শিশুর জন্ম তারিখ, নাম, ঠিকানা, পিতা-মাতার পরিচয়, রক্তের গ্রুপ এগুলো কালেক্ট করে একটি বার্থ সার্টিফিকেট প্রদান করা। এই সকল তথ্য একটি সেন্ট্রাল ডাটাবেজে স্টোর করে রাখা হবে।

২. যখন শিশুর বয়স ১৮ হবে তখন সেন্ট্রাল সার্ভার থেকে তার অভিভাবকের নাম্বারে একটি মেসেজ যাবে বায়োমেট্রিক এনরোলমেন্টের জন্য। এরপর নির্দিষ্ট তারিখে বায়োমেট্রিক নেওয়া হয়ে গেলে সেই তথ্যগুলো সেই একই সার্ভারে যোগ হবে এবং সেই শিশুর (এখন একজন ব্যক্তি) একটি সেন্ট্রাল ডাটাবেজ তৈরি হবে যেখানে তার সমস্ত তথ্য থাকবে।

৩. এরপর সেই ব্যক্তির যতরকমের লাইসেন্স, সার্টিফিকেট যা কিছুই তৈরি হবে সবকিছুই ঐ সেন্ট্রাল ডাটাবেজের সাথে কানেক্টেড থাকবে।

৪. সেই ব্যাক্তি কোনো জবে জয়েন করলে সেই তথ্যও সেখানে থাকবে। তার নামে কোনো ক্রিমিনাল রেকর্ড থাকলে সেগুলোও ঐখানে ডকুমেন্টেড হবে।

৫. তার বোর্ডের সকল রেজাল্ট গুলোও সেখানে কানেক্টেড থাকবে।

৬. এভাবে একটা ডাটাবেজ বানাতে পারলে, একটি ক্লিকেই একজন নাগরিকের সমস্ত তথ্য বের করা যাবে। প্রত্যেক সরকারি অফিসে সেই ডাটাবেজের একটা ক্লায়েন্ট এন্ডের ইউজার অ্যাপ থাকবে, যার মাধ্যমে তার সমস্ত তথ্য বের করা যাবে। বার বার ডাটা এন্ট্রি নিতে হবে না। ফলে অনাকাঙ্খিত কোনো ভুল হবে না।

৭. এর আরেকটা উপকারিতা হবে সিটিজেন ক্রেডিট স্কোর, যা একজন ব্যক্তিকে লোন দেওয়া কতটা ভায়েবল, তার দাড়া কোনো ক্রাইম করার সম্ভাবনা আছে কিনা সব প্রেডিক্ট করা যাবে।

৮. এভাবে একজন নাগরিকের সকল প্রকার ডকুমেন্টস তৈরিতে আর কোনো হেসেল থাকবে না। পাসপোর্ট তৈরিতে সময় লাগবে সর্বোচ্চ দুই দিন।

৯. এর মাধ্যমে ভুয়া নাগরিক সনাক্ত করাও সহজ হয়ে যাবে। এবং ক্রিমিনাল দের ধরাও ইজি হবে।

১০. একজন ব্যক্তি যত রকমের ডিভাইস কিনবে সেগুলোও সেই ডাটাবেজে সংরক্ষিত থাকবে। ফলে কেউ কারো জিনিস চুরি করতে পারবেনা। ফোন, ল্যাপটপ এগুলো চুরি একেবারে বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে। একজন ব্যক্তির নামে যত রকমের প্রোপার্টি থাকবে, তাও সেখানে ডকুমেন্টেড থাকবে (উইথ ম্যাপ)।

১১. যখন কেউ মৃত্যু বরন করবে, তখন তার ডেথ সার্টিফিকেটও সেই ডাটাবেজে যুক্ত হবে পরীক্ষা নীরিক্ষার পর।

১২. এভাবে আমরা সবার ফ্যামিলি ট্রি তৈরী করে ফেলতে পারব। এবং কেউ মারা গেলে উত্তরাধিকারীদের সম্পত্তির ভাগ নিয়েও আর কোনো ঝামেলা থাকবেনা।

I think it is feasible, and the life of the citizens will be changed forever and for the better!

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Friday, 21 June 2024

The Pursuit of Happyness:

I think we all have watched the movie called "The Pursuit of Happyness". Yes, In life we can never achieve happiness, we can only pursue it. When I was a kid I was rewarded for everything good I did. So, I was told to get a scholarship at level 5, though I had Typhoid but I got it and in return, I got an MP3 player with displays. That time it was expensive and my father bought me that. After that, I was told to get a chance in the Cadet College and I also got a chance and I was rewarded with a computer. Later in SSC, I was asked to get a Golden (GPA 5 in all the subjects) but I wanted to do a record in Dhaka Board. I knew the marks (current record), and it was achievable. I studied hard and I had a fairly good exam, in fact, it was my best performance by far (later I had a fairly good experience in the SUST admission test and also in the Marine Academy exam). I did not score a record number! I was disappointed and I knew why I didn't get that. That was because I had a fairly bad handwriting. So, people back then were judging a book by its cover not by it's content! I hope in the future people will give exams through keyboards and handwriting will not be an issue and same AI will judge all the papers (writings) so no personal biases. I thought if I got a scholarship at level 5 I would be happy forever but that happiness lasted for a few months until I got admitted to a Cadet College Admission Coaching. After that, I thought I would be happy if I got into a Cadet College and I was happy only for 6 years. Though it is not a small number but you got me, right? Then some life events took away my happiness. I was in deep sorrow but was not hopeless! I tried to perform within the limited capacity and circumstances I got! After that, it was the Corona time. I thought everyone was gonna die and to my surprise, most of us survived!

Then it was a run for job and I was not trying my best because I was upset again. Now a days, most of my time is spent with machines as I lost faith in people! Remember, I wrote faith not hope! I am still pursuing happiness in my life and I am not sure if I will get to a happiness that will last forever. Now, look at the name of the movie. Have you seen an error? Yes, there is an error. And it was intentional. This teaches us that in the pursuit of happiness, we will all make mistakes. It is the mistakes that make us stronger and better. It is the mistakes that teach you important lessons in life. We are all here to make mistakes and learn from them and that is called "Machine Learning"! Just kidding! So, embark on the journey of life because the journey is all we should celebrate not the destination. Because, when you reach the destination it's game over or you have another destination to pursue. So, let's not be afraid to make mistakes and enjoy the journey not the place in your mind called the destination. I have learned a great lesson, not by reading a book or listening to a great monk speaking, but by scrolling through social media like you guys all do. The lesson is "The grass looks greener on the other side of the river. But the grass is actually greener where you water it." But remember to water something valuable and something important to your life. Do not try to water a desert because it will be a waste! Though, China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel are growing plants in the desert too. That's also possible!

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